
1. Computer Program for water use optimization at the Langkemme Irrigation Netwotk Indonesia(1990). It was financed by the Research Institute Hasanuddin University-(Team Leader).
2. Feasibility study of farm machinery and sprinkler industry in South Sulawesi (1990). It was financed by the Bank Indonesia (Consultant).
3. Computer aided design for dry land agriculture (1991). It was finaced by the Research Institute Hasanuddin University-(Team Leader).
4. Integrated Project Irrigation Design of Ubu River Etiopia (1992). DHV-Consultant. The Netherlands-(Assistant Consultant).
5. Computer Program for modeling of project level management for irrigation network in Indonesia (1997). It was financed by the Austrian Academic Exchange Services-Vienna Austria-(Team Leader).
6. Computer Program for cropping pattern simulation in coastal region. (1997). It was financed by the Research Institute Hasanuddin University-(Team Leader).
7. Prediction of the incremental net return for the extension area of Ophoven-Kinrooi Irrigation Scheme, Belgium (1993). It was financed by the Belgian Academic Exchange Services-(Consultant).
8. Application of Geographic Information System for Assessing of Soil Erosion (1996). It was financed by the Austrian Academic Exchange Services-Vienna Austria. (Team Leader)
9. Unsteady flow simulation for open channel (in Indonesian). Fac. of Agriculture-Hasanuddin Univ (1997) (Team Leader).
10. Computer Program for steady flow simulation for irrigation channel (in Indonesian). Fac. of Agriculture-Hasanuddin Univ (1997) (Team Leader).
11. Computer Program for water Balance Simulation for irrigation management in Indonesia. Fac. of Agriculture-Hasanuddin Univ (1998) (Member).
12. Computer Program for validation of Soil Water Balance Simulation. . Fac. of Agriculture-Hasanuddin Univ (1998) (Team Leader).
13. Application of PLAN (Project Level Management)-model (in Indonesia) Fac. of Agriculture-Hasanuddin Univ (1998)- (Team Leader).
14. Computer program for Project Level Irrigation Managemen model. Fac. of Agriculture-Hasanuddin Univ (1998)- (Team Leader).
15. Real time irrigation decision support system for sugarcane plantation (1998) using GIS technique. It is financed by the Indonesian Toray Science Foundation (ITSF). Japan (Team Leader).
16. Application of Geographic Information System for Health Assessment in South Sulawesi (1999)- (Team Leader).
17. Drip Irrigation Project for Citrus Plantation in South Sulawesi (1999)-(Team Leader)
18. Design of Drainage System for Fish Ponds in Lamala Taransmigration Area. Central Sulawesi (1999). (Drainage Engineer)
19. Integrated Regional Development for Transmigration (1999)- (Environmentalis)
20. Coastal Area Water Management System Project Lamala Transmigration Project. Department of Transmigration Central Sulawesi-(1999)-(Engineer).
21. Environmental Restoration Coastal Area Kabupaten Luwu, South Sulawesi. Department of Transmigration-(2000)-(Environmental Engineer).
22. Computer program for mapping of salinity in estuary (1999). (Team Leader). Ministry of Education and culture RI.
23. Tutorial in Management Information System using GIS for the staff of the Department of Public Health, South Sulawesi, (2000)
24. Embeddable Geographic Information System for Sugarcane Plantation, 1999 (Team Leader)
25. Computer program for health environmental system management using GIS (2000, Team Leader)
26. GIS based Management System for environmental staff of the Department of Public Health, South Sulawesi.(2001) (Team Leader)
27. Irrigation Design Engineer for Pamukkulu Irrigation Project, South Sulawesi. International Consultant CTI Engineering and Co.-Tokyo Japan. April 1st 2001-Februari 15th 2002 (Irrigation Design Engineer).
28. Development of Computer Assisted Design for Surveying. ADB-Loan, 2002 (Team Leader)
29. Erosion modeling using embeddable Geographic Information System at the Jeneberang Watershed. (2001-2002) (Team leader) Ministry of state Research and Tecnology, Republic of Indonesia .
30. Rapid data acquisition system for supporting computerized irrigation management in sugarcane plantation. (Indonesia Torai Science Foundation, 2003).
31. Sprinkler Irrigation Design for PT-THC- South Sulawesi. (2004)-Joint Research Suppoted by PT THC- Indonesia
32. Web-Collaborative and Visual Environment for Sedimentation Prediction at Bili-Bili Dam. Ministry of state Research and Tecnology, Republic of Indonesia 2004-2005.
33. Development of Interactive Module in Fluid Mechanic for Motivating Student in Self Learning. (ADB-TPSDP Project, 2005)
34. Analysis Hierarchy Process for Coastal Development at Bontang City- East Kalimantan. Joint Research With STITEK Bontang.
35. Prediction of Ungaged Basin Model for Sediment Material in Garagu Dam. Bakaru Hydro Electric Power. Sourth Sulawesi. Institutional Research-Department Agricultural Technology- Hasanuddin University -2006 (on going research).
36. Pengembangan Piranti Lunak Open-MI berbasis Sistem Pakar dan WEB-SIG untuk Pengendalian Sedimentasi dan Polusi Waduk di Indonesia. 2007. RISTEK-Indonesia
37.Rekayasa Micro Drippers Pengairan Tetes Untuk Mengatasi Defisit Kelengasan Tanah Pada Lahan Kering di Sulawesi Selatan. Finance Support: DIKTI-Jakarta,(Hibah Bersaing,2008)
38. Studi dampak pemompaan air tanah di pesisir Jeneponto (Bappeda Jeneponto, 2009)
39. Master Plan kualitas air di pesisir Jeneponto, Sulawesi Selatan,2009
40.Pengembangan Sistem Informasi dan Basisi Data Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Jeneponto, (Bappeda-Jeneponto),2009
41. Rekayasa dan Pengembangan Energi Matahari-Angin Sistim Hibrid di Sulawesi Selatan (Blitbangda, Sulsel),2009
42. Watershed Management Studies (GIS-base protection Measure), for Mamasa River Basin, South Sulawesi,2010